Great Leighs Masterplan
Thank you for your interest in the Great Leighs Masterplan. We are a consortium of developers who have grouped together to create a comprehensive Masterplan for new growth in Great Leighs.
Chelmsford City Council allocated this site as an area for new community facilities and homes in their adopted Local Plan in May 2020, and we have been working to prepare plans for the site since then. The proposals for the Great Leighs strategic growth area will create an attractive and sustainable extension to the existing village with a diverse housing offer and extensive community facilities. The proposals will also provide a new primary school and a mixed-use neighbourhood centre.
The emerging Masterplan will deliver:
- A wide range of homes – responsive to market and affordable housing needs – specialist elderly accommodation, self build homes and a travelling show persons site as required by policy
- Community facilities including a new primary school, nursery, and neighbourhood centre
- The integration of public transport access, with comprehensive footway and cycle connections, improving all around access to Great Leighs
- A detailed landscape strategy which will integrate green infrastructure with tree planting and a range of natural and amenity spaces for recreation and play
Following our previous public exhibitions in March and August 2022, we have made adjustments to the proposals in light of feedback from the public and political stakeholders, including Chelmsford City Council (CCC) and Essex County Council.
This website sets out our updated proposals for the Masterplan for Great Leighs, which was approved by CCC Cabinet on 14th March 2023.
Contact us
If you have any further questions, you can get in touch with the project team via phone on 0800 298 7040 or email us at feedback@consultation-online.co.uk.
Thank you for taking an interest in our proposals.